About the project

Sustainable commercial and multi-user industrial park

In Leipzig, in the industrial area on Göhrenzer Straße, ecoPARKS is realizing an industrial park on the approximately 75,000 m² property with around 30,000 m² of hall space and 3,500 m² of office space. In the remaining areas of "ecoPARK Leipzig-West," companies will have the opportunity to research, produce, and store in a flexibly usable and sustainably designed building. In addition to hall and office spaces designed sustainably with wooden roof structures and photovoltaics on the roof surfaces, the building can also be equipped with heat pumps. This significantly reduces dependence on fossil fuels. The building, designed as "KfW 40," is intended to be DGNB Gold certified. Construction will begin in September 2022 and is expected to be completed by early 2024.

  • Type & project status
    New building, in development
  • Location
    Leipzig-West, Göhrenzerstraße, 04420 Markranstädt, Germany
  • Usage
    Sustainable commercial and multi-user industrial park with 3 new hall buildings including offices
  • Land area
    75.000 m²
  • Hall area
     ca. 30.000 m²
  • Office area
    ca. 3.500 m² 
  • Verfügbare Mietfläche
    ca. 32.180 m²

Commercial and multi-user industrial park near Leipzig

ecoPARK Leipzig-West is located in the Markranstädt-Kulkwitz industrial estate. Markranstädt is located around 10 kilometers from Leipzig city center in the district of Leipzig. Its location in the countryside, the good local transport network and its proximity to Leipzig-Halle Airport and the freeways make the town on Lake Kulkwitz very attractive. ecoPARK Leipzig-West is very well connected to the transport network, it is located directly on the B186, a direct feeder road to the A38. The A9 is also easily accessible.



Let's get together

Rheinpromenade 11  
40789 Monheim

T +49 (0)2173 8956610


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