We are ecoParks

The ecoPARKS team consists of experienced employees who can look back on a total of 15 years of experience in the field of industrial and commercial real estate and have developed over two million square meters of space for production and logistics during this time.

ecoPARKS stands for the unity of economy and ecology. We believe that they cannot be separated from each other, but on the contrary, that they go together perfectly. In fact, they have a positive influence on each other.

We focus on green construction

We build modular commercial and industrial properties. Flexible, adapted to your needs. An additional argument for "green" construction and ecological operation. We would be happy to advise you on optimizing your CO2 balance and the resulting benefits.

DJI_0109.JPG - ©Peter Eichler


The map of Germany shows an overview of our ecoPARKs - completed, under development and in our project pipeline.



This is what we do

We are ecoPARKS


Wilm_Schwarzpaul_DSC03859_AKuchem.jpg - ©Andreas Kuchem

Wilm Schwarzpaul

Managing Partner, ecoParks GmbH


Jörg Kunz

Managing Partner, ecoParks GmbH



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